I found another brew from Mt. Pleasant I wanted to try out. I'm always a fan of red ales and ambers, so this one looked especially appealing to me. Kind of wanted to compare it to some of the others I had tried. As I am doing now, I'm starting you kids off with a picture, so you know what to look for and a little of what I am describing.
A- A deep, rich amber/ruby color pours from the bottle. This one isn't as clear as the last one and has more of a haze surrounding it, which I like. An off-white head rises to almost an inch high and then drops.
S- The smell on this one is fantastic! I can lots of malts, breads and some rye scents. There is a floral characteristic from the hops used which rounds out the nose on this beer nicely. The look and smell of this one make your mouth water in anticipation.
T- On the front I get a nip of delicious bittering hops. The middle of the sip the malt characteristics show up in full force. There's definitly a rye character in there that I love. The breadiness of the malts is very well represented and is played very nicely. On the finish I get a hop and malt balance which lingers pleasantly on the aftertaste. Just like the Autumn brew from Shorts's, this beer's flavor and scent are that of fall. Rich and earthy but bright and tangy at the same time.
M- Less noticable carbonation but it is not "under-carbonated" and "flat". This beer is certainly thick and mouth-coating. If that is something you like then this beer is for you. Personally, I really enjoy that in an amber/red style ale, it tells me they've used generous proportions of high-quality ingredients.
D- Perfectly sessionable anytime of year. I might change my mind about which beer I brign to tailgating next weekend! Hmm, maybe three of each? Back to the topic, this beer is a perfect pair for lunch, dinner and just on it's own for it's own sake! Go find some, I got mine at Siciliano's on the West side of GR.
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