Thursday, February 4, 2010

Beer Review: Keweenaw Widow Maker Black Ale

Hello again beer review readers. Found something new, at least new to me, from the Kenweenaw Brewery in Houghton, MI last week. It's called Widow Maker Black Ale, and I'm guessing it's a Porter. Let's find out!

A- Pours a deep, dark black, with a little light on the edges. This one looks like a porter. Lightly off-white head rised to finger width, then quickly falls.

S- Yup, this one's a porter. I'm smelling roasted coffee beans, a little espresso and dark breads. More wafts reveal an almondy scent, maybe toffee?

T- Not as great as the smell, this one is a bit thin. I still get some light coffee notes, as well as some pumpernickel bread taste. This one still has a roasty character, but it really is seemingly short on taste. I get a small zing at the end, maybe hops? Roasted malts for sure, but it feels almost as if this one was made to intimidate as few people as possible. When you do that, your product isn't going anywhere.

M- Very thing, very light and really watered down from what I was expecting. No real impact at all.

D- Very easy, it almost feels like I'm drinking a mass-produced lager with a hair of roasted flavor.

I don't know what to say, KBC is one of my favorite breweries but this one is an epic fail. Maybe it's far better on tap...who knows.

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