Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lions and Suh Reach a Deal, Favre Watch 2010, and Snyder for Governor!!

So yesterday proved to be quite the busy news day! Mulitple stories on multiple fronts to cover.

First, yesterday was the Michigan Primary day. Voting was straight ticket for either party, and this year is the governor's race. With Michigan in it's current state (no pun intended) of economic pain and with the highest unemployment in the country, tough decision and radical actions will be needed. Hence why yesterday I did something for the first time in my life, and will again in November. I voted Republican. Virg hasn't struck me as someone with any kind of a vision. I was intreagued by Michigan grad Rick Snyder from the very get go. He hasn't minced words in what he feels needs to be done to fix the state. Like me, he knows our state needs to be completely re-invented, we can't just keep putting makeup and bandaids on anymore. The 19th century was Michigan 1.0, where we harnessed out state's natural resources for prosperity. The 20th century was Michigan 2.0, where we revolutionized transportation the way the world manufactured goods. What he says we need is Michigan 3.0, and I totally agree with him and his 10-point economic plan that incorporates green energy and technology. Hire the Nerd!!!

Second, Favre watch 2010 started yesterday with reports that Brett had sent text mesages to teammates stating his intent to retire from football. Well, we all know how this is going to go down. ESPN already had all hands on deck for their 24/7 in-depth coverage of the "event" for the next month or more. Oh boy, hold on kiddos!

Finally, I was proved wrong and I hope the crow is in the oven. I stated a few days ago that the Lions would fail to sign Suh and lose him to another team. Well, they agreed with him on a five-year, $40 million deal. Money guarenteed. Now all we can do it sit and wait, to see if he inspires a new Lions defense, or if he's a bust.
Either way, with Favre "possibly" gone, Aaron Rogers and Packers should have free reign in the division. Go Pack!!

Until next time, keep your stick on the ice.

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