Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Into The Depths of Winter

Hi there blogging friends, it's been a while hasn't it.

I've been randomly drafting lots of different things this week but haven't been happy with enough of it to throw it on here. I figured I needed something so I guess you could call this the usual comment on the current state of affairs.

A month ago the weather was amazingly warm, sunny and dry for October in Michigan. We're talking 70's and even 80's here kids. I was a month back into subbing, yes I am still in that occupation and wondering if I will ever get a job other than that *shakes head*.
A month ago GVSU football was still in some forms in dire peril. My wonderful and amazing girlfriend still had a month left in the GR metro before she moved back to Holland. That move came and went like a flash in the pan.

A month ago Artprize was still going strong. We now have a winner for the third year of the event and almost all remnants of the 2011 showing are gone. Downtown is now back to it's normal self for this time of year.

In the span of time since my last entry here, MSU pulled off an incredible last second win against Wisconsin, the 2012 Presidential campaign has become even more flustered and confusing, the economy is still weak, OJ is still free and in the past few days Penn State and Joe Paterno have succumb to the worst tradgedy in college football history. Oh and by the way the hockey season has started and instead of being 2-3/3-3 GVSU football is now 7-3. It is pretty much assured that even with a blowout win (which likely won't happen) the Lakers will miss the post-season for the first time in 10 years. How slim the margin of cruel the mistress of fate. The hated and worthless SVSU Cardinals come to Lubbers Saturday for the last regular season game on real grass at the stadium before artificial turf is installed as part of a stadium expansion after the 2011 season.

It makes one think back to my first ever GVSU football game in 2002. That was the home opener...the #1 ranked Lakers squared off with the then ranked #2 UC-Davis Aggies (they are now DI-FCS/DI-AA). Next year will mark a decade and a coming full circle in a sense. It's really weird to acknowledge that landmark, as it's one of the things that I mark my age with.

I guess I should stop rambling randomly tonight. It seems like it was just summer, and yet it's two weeks from Thanksgiving and there are snow showers over Lake Michigan tonight...Time is a cruel mistress.

Goodnight All.